Mike Arnold Podcast

Teaching the Dispensation of Gods Grace

About My Podcast

While teaching for over 20 years, I have come to realize organized religion continues to fall short in teaching bible truths. I have met a number of people that have been in church their whole lives and know very little about bible. I believe most preachers today cater to the crowd as teachers with itching ears through elaberate presentations and feel-good sermons without teaching the Gospel of Christ.

Whether you were born into a specific faith and adhered to its teachings throughout your life, the notion that your religion is the right one while others are wrong is deeply ingrained. Religions are man-made. Every religion has a founder. In fact, Constatine, Martin Luther, Taz Russell, Alexander Campbell, John Smith, Joseph Smith and others have taken the bible and twisted it created  misguided truths that provide unsatisfying nourishment. History has proved that religious leaders have manipulated divine teachings to lead others to follow them and not Christ. However, there is only one true path according to God.

In this present age of Grace, God is working through the Fellowship of the Mystery which was kept secret (hidden mystery) before the world was; But Now is made manifest. The revelation of our doctrine, faith, and truth is found only in Paul’s epistles. I believe all of the bible is written “FOR” us but only Pauls epistles (Romans-Philemon) is written “TO” us.

By rightly dividing the word of truth, these profound truths can become evident in your life. Religion confuses salvation by making you do everything except the one thing to be saved. That is Trust. God’s saving Grace cannot be bound in a building and you can be saved, anytime, anywhere, without conditions, by believing and trusting in the finished works of Christ at Calvary. Christ did it all for you, all you need to do is trust!

Mike Arnold | Host

Rightly Dividing Chart
Apostle Paul
Hebrews 11
Study of the Savior
Daily Bible Studies

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