Understanding Your Bible

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Study with Mike Arnold

Welcome to Understanding Your Bible with Mike Arnold. It is our hope that you are fed meat and not milk by exploring Gods amazing Word.

Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul, a pivotal figure in Christianity, was a zealous missionary and author of 13 Epistles in the New Testament. His teachings and letters profoundly influenced Christian theology and ethics, emphasizing grace, faith, and love. From persecutor to devoted follower of Jesus, Paul’s transformative journey and missionary endeavors ushered in the Body of Christ.


King David

King David, a prominent biblical figure, was a multifaceted leader, celebrated as a shepherd, warrior, and poet. Renowned for his triumph over Goliath and his reign over Israel, he is remembered for his wisdom and the poetic Psalms attributed to him.



Moses, a central figure in Abrahamic religions, was a prophet and leader who played a crucial role in the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt. Guided by divine revelations, he received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, shaping moral and legal principles. His life, depicted in religious texts, reflects a journey of faith, leadership, and the pursuit of freedom for his people.


Studies of the Patriarchs

The Old Testament patriarchs, including figures like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are ancestral fathers in biblical narratives. Their stories embody faith, covenant, and familial legacy, laying the foundation for the Israelite nation. These patriarchs played significant roles in the unfolding divine plan, illustrating themes of obedience, sacrifice, and the enduring connection between God and His chosen people.



Abraham, revered as the Father of the Jews, is a pivotal figure in religious history. Known for his unwavering faith, he received a divine covenant promising numerous descendants and a land. His journey, trials, and willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac showcase profound devotion. Abraham’s legacy transcends generations, symbolizing faith, obedience, and the foundational connection between God and the Jewish people.

Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11, often called the “Hall of Faith,” is a biblical chapter highlighting exemplary figures and their unwavering faith. It eloquently explores the essence of faith, emphasizing trust in the unseen and the remarkable deeds accomplished by those who lived by faith. This chapter inspires believers to persevere with trust and confidence in God’s promises, illustrating the transformative power of unwavering belief throughout the course of human history.

Study of the Savior

Studies of the Savior

The study of our Savior, Jesus Christ, delves into the profound teachings, life, and impact of the central figure in Christianity. We explores the Gospels, revealing His compassion, wisdom, and redemptive mission for Israel. This study provides insights into the theological, historical, and ethical dimensions of Jesus’ life, inviting believers to deepen their understanding of His teachings and embody His message of love, forgiveness, and salvation.

Daily Bible Studies

Daily Bible Studies

The Daily Bible Study Series is a comprehensive exploration of Scripture, offering a systematic and insightful approach to understanding the Bible’s teachings. This series provides daily readings, reflections, and applications, guiding individuals on a transformative journey through the richness of biblical wisdom. It serves as a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper connection with their faith and a more profound understanding of the timeless truths found in the Bible.

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